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Balance Testing at VRT Los Angeles

VRT Los Angeles utilizes various cutting-edge balance testing tools, including the industry leading Falltrak II system. Balance disorders are more common in the elderly. Dizziness is one of the most common reasons for a visit to a physician and is the number one reason for patients over the age of 75. It is estimated that falls are the leading cause of injury and death for those over age 65.

Balance tests are a group of assessments that evaluate a patient for balance disorders. These disorders can range from mild to severe nuisance to complete handicap. Balance testing determines whether or not a patient has a balance disorder and guides us to uncover and treat the root cause.

Balance Testing

Common Balance Disorders

  • BPPV - calcium crystals in inner ear get shifted out of position
  • Meniere's Disease - causes dizziness, hearing loss and tinnitus
  • Vestibular Neuritis - inflammation in the inner ear
  • Migraine-Induced dizziness - dizziness triggered by migraine headache
  • Traumatic Brain Injury - includes damage to vestibular system

Our Balance Test

We implement what's called VNG (videonystagmography) testing, which evaluates eye movement to uncover damage to nerves in your inner ear. It involves sitting in a darkened room, following a light pattern on a screen, and changing positions as you follow the light. Afterwards, warm and cool air will be put in each ear to trigger specific eye movement. A lack of movement indicates nerve damage.

VNG testing is a three-part process that helps us provide an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment. Testing lasts about 90 minutes and generally doesn't trigger any discomfort beyond a little dizziness To learn more about VNG testing and how to prepare for it click here.

AT VRT Los Angeles, we want to get you back to a normal, independent lifestyle as soon as possible via accurate diagnosis and a customized rehabilitation program that's designed just for you. Give us a call at (909) 274-9779 to schedule an appointment.